Saturday, June 28, 2014

New Additions!

Sometimes you feel like you are great just being the only child, but once you get new additions you feel left out because they have all the attention and when they get older you are held accountable  because they follow your actions. And usually you feel like that's not fair but sometimes they be mean to you but if you still  be nice back to you can have a better life like this one. So always make the best of what you have. And you can have a better family.


  1. Great post! I love the pictures with the blog. You are so smart. Keep it up! You are doing great. Love, Mommy

  2. Hi Asandra, my kids will not play nice together. They are 5 and 12 years old. Any advice on how I can get them to be nicer to each other? Thanks, looking forward to reading more of your blog

    Nikki McCelleis
